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City University London 博士后研究项目申请

来源: 日期:2011-11-28 00:00 点击:

City University London 博士后研究项目申请

我们学校最近加入WC2(World Cities, World Classes)协会,成为其创始成员之一,其他高校包括香港理工、柏林工大、英国伦敦城市大学City University London等。现在我们收到来自CUL的邮件,该校有两个博士后研究名额由Leverhulme基金会资助,向全协会内部高校开放。申请者需在2011年12月12日(周一)前提交包括简历、研究计划(不超过两页)、以及申请人可能为CUL做出的其他贡献的简要说明材料等在内的申请信息交到学院办公室曾老师。博士后研究时间为9到12个月,具体资助款项请见下面英文邮件加粗部分。另外下面还有一些英文补充信息供参考。

City University London has been selected as one of twelve institutions to receive a grant from the Leverhulme Trust to cover two Fellowships, each for a period of 9 to 12 months, for overseas visitors during the academic year 2011/12.

The Fellowships are for postdoctoral academic researchers (or of equivalent status) who are not UK citizens, are permanently resident in any country other than the UK and intend to return to their country of residence at the end of the Fellowship.

There is no age limit but the scheme is primarily intended to support less experienced researchers, normally with no more than eight years of postdoctoral experience, who have not yet spent an extended period in the UK.

The Trust will not participate in the selection process but will approve the choice of Fellows before confirmation of an appointment is made.

Fellows are encouraged to give lectures and seminars and to participate in the intellectual life of the institution in addition to conducting research. A report to the Trust is required from the Fellow and the head of the department where he or she has been working within one month after the end of the period of appointment.

Funding includes subsistence (up to £1,900 per month), return travel fare, London Allowance at £275 per month and up to £790 for travel within the UK away from the host institution. An allowance of £410 per month is also available for an accompanying spouse or partner, subject to some conditions. No overheads or indirect costs will be paid. The subsistence allowance is not intended to constitute a salary: the awards are to enable work on a specific range of research activities for a period of fixed duration and therefore should not be construed as a contract of employment.

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