2014 Summer Seminar in Law and Economics: Law and Markets
July 7-18, 2014
The University of Chicago
Law School
1111 East 60th Street
Chicago, Illinois, USA
- Exclusively for international scholars from East Asia
- Participants live on campus and study at the University of Chicago Law School
- Advanced courses taught by UChicago’s law and economics faculty
- Opportunities to present your own work
- Subsidized tuition
- Explore the great city of Chicago
- Scholars from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia
- Professional academics and postdoctoral researchers
- Policymakers and researchers from other disciplines, including economics, finance, and political science, who are interested in law and legal institutions
- Applicants should have sufficient command of the English language; all lectures, discussions, and readings will be in English